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Fortune 500

Raintrade Petrochemical Co. ranked in Fortune Magazine’s top 500 Turkish companies list in terms of gross revenue (196th in 2016, 150th in 2015, 143rd in 2014, 179th in 2013, 128th in 2012,...) and ranked in top 50 Turkish companies list in terms of exports (44th in 2016, 36th in 2015, 38th in 2014, 44th in 2013, 30th in 2012,...).

  2015 List
2014 List
2013 List
Rank 143 179 128
Net Sales (TL million) 1.030 728 846
Net Sales Change (%) 41.5 -13.91 8.4
EBIT (TL million) 26.8 26.4 19.3
Total Assets (TL million) 407.5 432.6 436.9
Equity (TL million) 54.6 37.7 26.8
Export (TL million) 1.030 728 846
Export rank 38 44 30

Raintrade Petrochemical Co. Ranked 186th in Capital 500

Raintrade Petrochemical Co. ranked in Capital 500 Magazine’s top 500 Turkish companies list in terms of gross revenue (248th in 2016, 193th in 2015, 186th in 2014, 241th in 2013, 164th in 2012,...).

Nida Kule Göztepe İş Merkezi, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1 Kat:26, Bölüm:95-98 KADIKOY-ISTANBUL / TURKEY

Tel: +90 216 360 87 70
Fax: +90 216 360 87 72

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